This device number is already occupied by a different monitor, please enter the URL of a different device for this monitor.
Please use this URL only on one monitor at the same time.
If this is the right monitor for this URL please follow these steps:
1) navigate to Devices
2) edit this device
3) press the button "Allow other device to use this URL"
4) refresh this page on this monitor/browser or restart the monitor
If this problem persists, make sure that your browser supports cookies and does not delete them upon restart.
Please use this URL only on one monitor at the same time.
If this is the right monitor for this URL please follow these steps:
1) navigate to Devices
2) edit this device
3) press the button "Allow other device to use this URL"
4) refresh this page on this monitor/browser or restart the monitor
If this problem persists, make sure that your browser supports cookies and does not delete them upon restart.
There seems to be a problem with your license. Please verify your license data.